Whatevs, I'm over it.
Anyway, I heard taht he's selling his hair and donating the money to charity. I was thinking about bidding on it, you know, not cuz I would would do some weird voodoo magic with it to make him like me lol but cuz I want to help out with a charity ya know?
Do you think dad would give me some money for it? It wouldn't be that expensive. Maybe I'll tell him that he could write it of on his taxes for charitable donations. He's pretty PO'd he got bumped up into the next tax bracket with his last raise.
I came up with a few ideas of what I could do with gorgeous beiber locks. Behold:
Victorian style hair bracelet!!! Also:
Baby toupay! For those unfortunate bald babys out there!
Mustache! Just in time for march madness lol! (I actually think facial hair is gross. #1 pedophiles have them, #2 against byu honor code #3 my old bf tried to grow a beard once and I wouldn't kiss him lol, that didn't last long he shaved a few days later lmao what can I say im a good kisser)
If anyone has any other good ideas for what to do with Beiber hair let me know! I would love to hear your ideas!